My little lady turned 18 months on September 28th! So hard to believe!
I can't believe all the personality, opinions, and "thoughts" she has for her young 1 1/2 years of life! We stop and say all the time, "I'm so glad she was a girl." We just love having a boy and girl and are so thankful our 2nd baby popped out a girl! It's been fun to watch this little one emerge into herself and see all the differences between girls and boys. Evie naturally gravitates towards more "girl" things and girl activities, even though she is surrounded by mostly boy toys. I even see her caring for these so called "boy toys" by putting things like dinosaurs and pirates in her baby stroller and pushing them around. Haha.
18 Things About You:
1. You weigh about 20 lbs and not sure how many inches! (We'll update after your 18 month appnt).
2. You are wearing 18 months clothes and size 4-5 shoes. You LOOOOVE shoes and want to wear them all day long. Daddy took this picture of your shoe and said, "I fear the day that these will only represent a distant memory. Never thought my heart could be so softened by my little girl's shoes."
3. You still love your blankie! You don't go anywhere without it and you certainly don't sleep without it. To soothe yourself, you hold the corner right across your lips.
3. You can almost always be found with some kind of hair accessory. This summer we were able to fit pigtails!!! Eeeek!!! Everyday I have to put a clip or bow in your hair to keep it out of your face. Every morning when I change you, you say,"Bow! bow!" as you point to your bow holder. This makes Mommy happy! haha.
4. You are eating really well using utensils like a big girl. You started this several months ago. Your favorite vegetable is broccoli and you love to eat meat! You say "bup" for cup and say please and thank you. You are a great eater.
5. You are a Daddy's girl through and through. When Daddy is around, Mommy doesn't matter! As soon as Daddy walks in the door, you are in his arms. If for some reason, he has to run back out the door you melt into tears.
6. You definitely have a strong and feisty personality. When something isn't right in your little world, you definitely make it known. You are learning to control your temper tantrums when Mommy and Daddy say no, but still struggle with handling frustrations such as when you can't get a toy to work the way you want it to. For example: If your stroller gets stuck against something, you try and try to set it free, but if it doesn't happen, you grab it and shake the life of out, all while screaming. Yikes! I think we will forever be on a learning track for how to guide, train, and direct your determined personality into something really wonderful that will serve the Lord and bless others.
Yep, one of those meltdowns. Apparently, you did not want to stand for the cousin picture. All the cousins look on as if none of them have ever had such a moment. Haha!
Yep. That's my girl.
7. You LOVE babies! Most of your days are spent playing with your baby dolls. Of course anytime you see a real baby, you are mesmerized! You peek your head around infant carriers and strollers to see the sweet little baby inside. It's so cute.
You take very good care of your babies and have picked up these things all on your own. You walk around carrying your doll "like a baby" and say "shh, shh, shh." You put your baby on your shoulder and pat her back, and have a good old time pushing her around in your stroller and trying to change her diaper, wiping and all! It's too cute.
8. At 18 months, you finally outgrew your infant carrier and graduated to a big girl car seat. You were all giggly and smiley being able to sit forward and see everything. (Although here you were cranky).
9. You love horses. We saw them at the state fair and then on your donut date with Daddy, he brought you to see some. Anything that looks bigger than a dog is called a "horsey." You even sit on Macy's back and say, "Horsey!" I definitely did not grow up liking horses or playing with them. I guess living in the midwest does that to you baby girl!
10. You LOVE dogs. Any dog you see calls for a loud, expressive "Doggy!!!!" If the dog is somewhat personal to you (a friend's dog, or one you are currently petting, you called it "Bacy" (which is how you pronounce Macy). You are always afraid Macy is going to grab your food and you say the same exact jibberish at the dog every time. The only thing we can make out in the sentence is "Bacy" and "no." The rest, we have no idea. But it's the same jibberish every time!
11. Books, books and more books! I hope you stay my little bookworm. If you aren't playing with your babies, you are reading books. You sit and "read" through the book with crazy expression and voice infliction. It's hysterical.
You like to read books in your bed at bedtime, just like big brother Mekonen. You favorite books are Carl the dog books, McDuff the dog books, and Sandra Boynton books.
12. You have great fine motor skills and love to color. You usually even hold the pencil correctly!
14. You love your brother and get the biggest smile on your face when you see him. We pray daily for the bond you and Mekonen will share for a lifetime...that it will be one that both of you cherish and holds you up in the storms of life. He loves you baby girl.
15. You are an explorer at heart! You play independently so well and especially love wandering around outside in nature.
16. You are one tough cookie! Often times, after playing outside or at the park, I get you strapped into your seat and realize your little knees are scraped up and bleeding and I never knew! Either this makes me a bad mom, or you a tough kid! :) But you don't usually cry when you get knocked down and bumped into.
17. Whenever we listen to our kids hymn CD in the car, you raise your hands and wave them. It's so cute. Our Jesus praisin', hand-raisin' tot!
18. It seems every kid has something that the parents do or say to get them smiling for a picture. With Mekonen, we used to sing "The Wheels on the Bus," and for you, I just say, "ZZZzzzzzip!!!!!" For some reason it makes you laugh and laugh. I started saying that when I zip up your jammies and now whenever I say it, you smile and laugh.
We love you baby girl and are so thankful that God has blessed us with your life. You are teaching us so much!