We started preschool again this year. Mekonen will be 5 years old at the end of December, so he will start Kindergarten next year. I love having him at home and like that we are pretty laid back about these years. Next year, we will have to be much more on-target, which is why we are enjoying our 2-3 days of preschool a week, sprinkled between play dates, errands, and just kid fun. He enjoys "doing school" as he calls it, mostly because it's one-on-one time with Mommy that Evie gets somewhat excluded from. He's our quality and quantity time kid and wants to be right there with you, talking, chatting, and right up in whatever is happening.
First day learning our address and phone numbers. So cute.
He has a hard time with fine motor skills. He's come a long way with his writing in the last year. He is so cute when he concentrates, tongue out, and everything. Working with big letters has helped a lot. I also mostly have him write with markers or the fattest crayons I can find. The fat pencils with a grip still aren't thick enough. But he does a great job keeping the right pencil holding position even though it's hard for him.
And this just makes me smile.
The knight lapbook I made. He loved it. Check out a whole bunch here. This is a preschool pack, but they have also have tons of toddler packs that we used last year.
Evie sometimes does her own "school papers" as she calls them. She has great fine motor skills, it's crazy.
Not bad for 2 years old.
Working on alphabet matching together. Letter for letter and upper case to lower case.
We try to sprinkle in some nature journals here and there as well. This one is about a pinecone. Too cute. Love his drawing. I have to resist everything in me to not "help" him draw a more "real" looking pinecone. Haha. This OCD mom has come a long way! ;)
I'm beginning to check out area co-ops next year, although I don't really want a true to form co-op. I'm looking more for a 1-2 day school/co-op that he can attend, without me, and without me having to teach or "co-op." Mekonen is so excited about "going to school when he's 5" so this is a good compromise for us. Thankfully, we have some good ones in the area. We will be homeschooling mostly classical ed., so I'm very interested in Classical Conversations, however they require you to attend school as well. So, we will see. We are going to an open house next week.
So that's where our school days are at! Laid back, fun, but still learning some things, and mostly enjoying time with my guy who is growing up way too fast!