
Day 11- Home Sweet Home!

Exactly one month ago today, we walked off the plane at the Indianapolis Airport as a new family of three! I get teary-eyed just thinking about how special that time was for us. We couldn't wait to get off the plane to see our families.
Our long 26 hour trip home from Ethiopia was in one word: TORTURE! Poor Mekonen was sick with pneumonia and a ruptured eardrum and he screamed for pretty much the entire trip. We counted about 8 hours altogether that he slept. The rest of those hours? He pooped through his clothes and screamed his head off. He was inconsolable! Needless to say we have no pictures of Mekonen on his first plane ride! Jon and I slept about one hour total, and actually, I think Jon even less than that!

We had bassinet seating, but you don't even want to get me started on the bassinet seating. It was RIDICULOUS! They wouldn't let us put Mekonen in it while the fasten seatbelt sign was on which was pretty much the ENTIRE TIME (and there weren't even any bumps or anything). At one point, for about 5 minutes Mekonen was happily in the bassinet playing with his toys...5 minutes of peace and the flight attendant came by and said he cannot play in there, only sleep. So we had to take him out AGAIN. Then on another flight they made us fasten a lid on top of the bassinet that was like a mesh see through thing, which of course freaked him out. I don't blame him! I would freak out too! There were only a few inches between his head and that stupid top.

When we got on the first leg of our trip in Addis, many people on the plane, and the flight attendants were going on and on about Mekonen and how cute and sweet he was. Well, let's just say by the time we hit Amsterdam, I think they all wanted to physically remove us from the plane (and truthfully, I wanted to remove myself from the plane, via the window). As soon as we landed, Mekonen was fine. But every time we started on a new flight, he freaked out. We did everything to alleviate ear pressure (tylenol, bottle, pacifier, etc). Nothing worked. Poor buddy. So, let's just say we were soooo relieved to have finally touched down in Indianapolis and to be greeted by our family and some good friends. We asked two friends to be in charge of pictures and videoing as we met our family. This was such a great idea and we were so glad we did! Thank you Adam & Allie, and Joe & Julie! We really appreciate it!

Mekonen meets Grandpa Jack!

Mekonen meets Grandma Castro (affectionately known as Grandma Missy)

Long awaited kisses from Grandma!

All smiles for Grandpa Oren (affectionately called Grandpa Dig)

Mekonen gives a big kiss to his Grandma Magz!

My cousin Jess came from Chicago to meet Mekonen. This meant so much to me. We are 2 months apart and she has been at every big life event of mine: my birth (haha), first day of kindergarten when I started the school year late, milestones throughout elementary and middle/highschool, highschool graduation, college graduation, my wedding day, and now my first baby.

Lots of kisses from Auntie Jess

Playing with Daddy! Playing with Mommy!

The whole gang walking to baggage claim.

Our parents and my cousin Jess. What fun!

Our sweet Mekonen Jack...finally home!


Anonymous said...

Awww I'm SOOO happy you guys live in Indy now so I can invite myself to holidays at your house :) and ESPECIALLY since I could make the trip to meet the little man.

I got teary-eyed reading that and looking at the pics! We'll have to plan another trip soon! Love and miss you all!!

Cory, Lisa, and Weredesh said...

Sounds like OUR trip! Although Weredesh was awake for 32 of the 33 hours of our travels! She had a ruptured ear drum also. Poor little thing. I wanted to die when I got off that plane. Never been so tired in my life! Now I think of it as my delivery/labor. :)

~ lisa