Some good news for our babies at the Wanna house in Ethiopia... God has answered prayers for some volunteers to head to Ethiopia and lend a MUCH NEEDED helping hand. A fellow AAI friend announced on our group that her mother and mother-in-law were two of those who volunteered and will be heading to Ethiopia on January 30th! Wahoo! How cool is that! They will be taking donations of supplies that the orphanage is lacking ,and growing short of, due to the 65 babies in care right now. 65 babies is A LOT, but I didn't realize just how many until I saw some pics of all the babies lined up at their Holiday Project. Wow! We are really praying for God to move the court/legal process along, for God to provide another judge in court, so these precious babies can get home to their families that much faster! So anyway, Jon's mom and I went shopping tonight to pick up some supplies to send to these ladies to take to Ethiopia. We bought formula, infant liquid vitamins, bottles & nipples, cloth diapers, plastic pants, diaper pins, diaper rash cream, and a few outfits. If you'd like to send any much needed supplies for all these little ones let me know! They need the supplies shipped to them before they leave on January 30th. The items our agency listed as the most needed are:
changing table pads (5-6)
burp cloths
cloth diaper (not the really thick ones because they hang dry)
diaper covers (they also use plastic pants)
waterproof pads to put in cribs
liquid infant vitamins and chewables for toddlers
formula for premature baby
soy formula (lactose free)
empty spray bottle for mixing up cleaning solutions
light weight baby blankets
bibs (that velcro or tie in back, medium size)
baby wash cloths or packs of washcloths
bottles and nipples (some nipples specifically for small babies)
bouncy seats and bumble chairs (not sure if this is what they are
called-they help baby sit unassisted)
mobiles for cribs
I've been dreaming every night this week about our baby... in the dream, I can see his face, what he looks like, what he sounds like. But when I wake up, I can't remember, and I'm grasping for any kind of memory from my dream. Keep praying for another judge! That seems to be the key to getting the legal process moving a little faster. We cannot WAIT for this baby boy to come home!
SO exciting, you know I wish you and I could go, I would be there in a heartbeat!
Love, JO
Rachael: I saw your post on our blog today. Is there a way I can email you the details? Rather than posting to you blog? My email is donovan AT Shoot me a note and I'll respond with some details about our paperwork, what we've been hearing, etc. Blessings, Donovan.
For anyone interested in helping Rachael with donations... if you are at the pediatrician, ask for samples for donations. We did this when we took supplies to Guatemala, and took over tons of vitamins and tylenol and etc.
I would love to donate some items. How can I get them to the right people? Should I ship them somewhere??
you can email me and I will get those ready!
I will also see if I can pick up any samples when I take Reese to the ped. for her 2 week visit.
Take care!
Hi Rachael! Here's the answer to your questions on my blog (I answered in the comments but I noticed you asked again so I thought I'd post it here too) :)
We're using cloth for several reasons: 1. better for the environment 2. cheaper in the long run (we can use these same diaps until he's potty trained) 3. better for his bum- less diaper rash because cloth "breathes" better.
I belong to the AZ cloth diapering yahoo group (though you could probably join even though you're out of state). Super helpful groups of ladies. We will wash every other day- 2 washes (1st cold, no soap, 2nd hot, w/soap) and then line dry (or use the dryer if weather doesn't permit)- pretty pain free. Long gone are the days of pins and dunking in the toilet.
Also, yes, we will keep Baby D's ET name. It's beautiful. It's a bible name so it has a simple English equivelant if he decides he prefers it later down the road. But we live in a world where Hollywood names their children Apple, Zuma and Pilot Inspektor. His birth name will be quite easy and pretty "normal" compared to Hollywood. We really want to honor his ET roots. We knew we'd keep some form of our child's Ethiopian name regardless-- we're just lucky that he already has a beautiful name.
THanks for the questions- feel free to ask away :)
I read your post. I like to helping Rachael with donations. I like to donate some items. I love kids so much. It is so exciting.
This is quite interesting, I read this article. Thanks to its author. I like the theme, everything is connected to the problem. I would like to read a little on the blog soon.
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