I do have to say, I am overjoyed at being done! This is the greatest feeling... not because I don't like teaching, I love it, and not because I don't like my kids... I love them! But it's the greatest feeling because it's the start to a new stage of life for me and us! I am officially done teaching and get the amazing privilege to be a stay at home mommy to Mekonen! I can't describe it, but this end of the year feels so different! Hopefully, in just a few short months, Mekonen will be home in our arms! I am SO READY to transition out of teaching to being a mom. Jon and I have very deep feelings about the importance of time and concentrated energy spent with our kids, especially when they are young. We are trusting the Lord to continue to provide for us and enable us to shepherd our children in this way.
I am continuing my Masters of Education with an emphasis on Curriculum Development. I'm about halfway through and am hoping to have it completed next year. My dream job in the future would be to publish educational material. I'm one of those weird teachers who enjoys planning lessons and units way more than I should. Haha. Here is a picture of my class this year. The smallest one I've ever had!

Things I'm Really Going to Miss About Teaching
- The kids! For the last four years, I have blessed with great classes of kids. The best part is being a part of their little world, learning about their personalities, their hearts, their unique gifts and talents.
- Laughing- this pretty much goes on most of the day. They tell the most hilarious stories, usually about their parents/home life (i.e. "My mom got so mad at my dad this morning that she threw a shoe at him. She was soooooo mad.") I have been collecting all the funny stories my kids tell me. I think I'm going to write a book someday. :)
- Teaching- teaching children comes naturally to me. I love being able to sense their understanding and where they are in the learning process. It's a fascinating puzzle and I actually enjoy putting together individualized plans for areas they need help in or areas they need to be challenged in.
- Planning- yes, planning! If you're a teacher and reading this, you are probably thinking I am nuts. But planning and creating is one of my favorite parts of the week. I don't get particuarly thrilled with textbook/worksheet planning, but I LOVE creating learning centers, thematic units, and topical units. My previous school in PA enabled me to do this A TON, but I haven't had much of the opportunity to do that this year, which I have really missed.
- Families- ministering to the parents and families of my students has been one of the biggest joys of teaching. Every year, I meet some amazing families who we always end up keeping in close touch with. There are always some who take a big interest in Jon and I as a young couple and have provided some much needed blessing and encouragement for us.
- Snow Days- it's like being a kid again. The anticipation and excitement about a snow day has not lost its effect since I was little! There's just something about seeing your school across the screen (especially the night before) and realizing that you can stay up late and sleep in!
- Early Mornings- getting up at 5:30 am and driving the 40 minute commute to work. (Although I will still be getting up early, but for a much different reason. :) hehe).
- Faculty Meetings- one word- UGH!
- Packing a Lunch- this just gets so old and annoying.
- Administration- always needing to stay in someone else's parameters...usually in terms of curriculum or teaching style. Let me out!!!
- Repetition- how many times a day do I have to say the word, "self-control" or answer the question of what to do with their paper when done- even though it goes in the SAME black tray EVERY single day. (However, this lovely word repitition will find a brand new place in my life as we start having kids!)
I taught one year of second grade, two years of first grade, and now this year I taught them together- 1st & 2nd. So, to end my teaching career (for now), here is a picture of me when I was in first grade! Haha. :)