
5 Months Old

Evangeline Rae is 5 months old (yesterday). Time is going by too fast. I miss those teeny tiny baby days already! Such a big girl she is becoming!
5 Months

During your 4th month this is what you have accomplished:
  • you weigh 14.8 pounds and had your first double ear infection. poor baby. I didn't even know! I felt so bad. We found out at your 4 month doctor appointment
  • the doctor said you are starting to teeth but no teeth yet!
  • you have discovered your tongue and love to make noises with it. You chew on your bottom lip and pull it in your mouth. It's so cute.
  • you started holding yourself upon your hands and knees (August 19th)
  • you fly like super woman when laying on the floor
  • you started rocking back and forth on your hands and knees (August 24th). They say this is the developmental piece before crawling. look out!!!
  • you are such a happy baby and rarely cry. you smile so big whenever someone talks to you or smiles at you.
  • you are really starting to be interested in toys
  • you love watching your big brother Mekonen play. He can always get you to smile
  • you take two naps a day now and sometimes a little cat nap in the evening, and sleep great through the night
  • you are such a content baby. when you wake up, sometimes I don't even know because you are just rolling around your crib playing with your toes and smiling.
  • you are very strong and hold yourself up really well. you can sit pretty well assisted and have recently discovered the johnny jumper contraption. you love it!


Fun at Grandma & Grandpa's

The two babes and I flew to Pennsylvania for two weeks in July to visit with my family. It was a much needed trip for me and my heart. There's just something about home... (yes, Jonny, I know "home" is here in Indiana, but you know what I mean). :) Mekonen and Evie did AMAZING on the flights to and from PA. Even the return trip where we were delayed twice and got home at 1am, 2 1/2 hours later than planned.

Mekonen was extremely hesitant of swimming this summer, but once he got to Grandma's he was back in the game! 
It was so much fun waking up everyday and heading right out to the pool. Mekonen swam at least twice a day, sometimes three times a day, complete with a nighttime swim after dark with all the cousins. They thought that was so cool! :) 
Evie Rae was even decked out in her swim gear, ready for Grandma and Grandpa's pool!
She was completely indifferent. Haha. 
Anytime Grandma is in the pool, the kids are RIGHT THERE. 
Evie & Auntie Bek
Evie & Kimmy hanging out in the pack n' play, poolside!
Sleep-over in Grandma's living room watching a movie. And yes, that is my son in a princess sleeping bag, and no it wasn't his!
A picture of the 7 cousins at Jane's 3rd birthday party!
Natalie, Aderyn, Kimmy, Manny, Evie, Mekonen, and Jane
Birthday girl Jane turns 3! So fun to have all the cousins there!
Evie and Mommy
Grandpa and Mekonen doing a Cars puzzle. His favorite. 
 I just love the happiness all over Mekonen's face in this one.
 My Daddy and my babies
My Mommy and my baby
a late night snooze.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun trip! We can't wait to see you again!


A Year of Dates- Date 1

For our anniversary this year I planned a year of dates for Jon and I, two per month! Last night was our first one! I gave Jon this invitation the night before.

For this date we had to come up with an activity for every letter of the alphabet. There are a few variations of this date. You can alternate, where you choose the "A" activity for the other person to do, and then other person chooses the "B" activity for you to do, etc. Then you each get 3 passes. If you don't want to do what they suggested you can give a "pass." But be careful what activity you choose! If your partner uses one of their passes then you end up having to do it. Instead of this version, we just decided to make the list together and then each do the activity. Here's our list and some pictures of our night!

A- acrobatics
B- blowing bubbles
C- climb a tree
D- drive
E- eat
F- fountain to play in
G- get dizzy
H- hold hands
I- ice-cream for dessert
J- jump
K- kiss
L- leap frog
M- make a fort
N- nap
O- on a roof (climb on a roof)
P- pet an animal
Q- quack, quack, feed the ducks
R- ride a motorcycle
S- slide at the park
T- trespassing
U-under a bridge
V- vandalize (for pretend of course)
W- wink
X-xylophone (play a toy xylophone at the store)
Y- yell
Z- sit on a zebra (in downtown Indy)

A- acrobatics
Jonny boy doing  handstand. hehe. 
 C- climb a tree
D- drive (we did lots of driving around for this date)
E- eat! We ate at a cute old diner downtown
F- a fountain to play in
G- get dizzy (this was actually super funny. Poor Jon)
H- holding hands, awww. so sweet. :) 
J- jumping off swings
K- kiss of course!
L- leap frog (so we tried playing leap frog and getting a picture with the timer on our camera. This was the best we got. Haha).
N- nap
R- ride a motorcycle (okay, I didn't get to ride it. So technically it's not an activity. And this pic was taken on Jon's phone which so did not turn out). 
S- slides!!!
U- under a bridge (we were cracking up at this picture. Jon looks like the biggest dorko).
V- vandalism (yes an actual spray paint can we had in the car. We even had to explain to a nearby police officer we were "just pretending" for a game) Haha. 
W- wink
So that was our first date night in our year of dates!
It was fun! You should give it a try with your special someone! 

Oh yeah, and I remember some readers asking for what kinds of dates I put in our date can. I'd be happy to share them with you if you leave a comment with your e-mail. I'm only posting them as we do them because they are all surprises for Jon. I don't want him to know ahead of time what we're doing. 


Summertime Fun!

Summer has been moving along! I can't believe it's already August! This summer has been P.A.C.K.E.D. with so many friends, family, summertime goodness, and heat!!! It's been in the high 90's and 100's here in Indy! Here are just a few of the highlights of our summer so far.  

We visited Conner Prairie (an interactive history park) with Grandma Magz and Aunt Lindsay. Aunt Lindsay was visiting for a whole month! In this picture, clearly I am the only one excited about the cow. Mekonen was afraid of the barn full of animals. 
 You can't be a kid in the summertime without learning the art of rolling down hills. At first, Mekonen wasn't so sure about it and looked like he thought I was crazy! I probably am.
 We dressed up as cows for a free lunch at Chick-fil-a! hahaha. 
 E&M: cool babes ready for the sunshine!
We've gotten a lot of swimming in this summer! The puddle jumper life vest is the greatest swim floaty ever made! Mekonen was freaked out to be in the water this year (we think from Veggie Tales Jonah), and he couldn't keep himself upright in the regular life vests. This thing is amazing and now he is swimming all over and jumping in! 
We've had a lot of fun at Garfield Park pool with lots of shooting water fountains and water slides. 
Summertime treats! and boy has Mekonen had his share of popsicles, chocolate milk, fruit snacks, watermelon, etc. etc.!!!

Mekonen has been enjoying our backyard a lot this summer since we can't always get across the street to the park with Evie's morning nap. Mekonen just LOVES pushing his dump truck around, riding his rocket ship, and playing with his water table. 
We've had our share of summer storms and rainy days the past few months. Our rainy days have included books and flashlights inside our tent...
 and days where Mommy stays in her pajamas and puts no make-up on! HA!
And one awesome and fun trip to PA to visit Grandma, Grandpa, and all the cousins!!!


Dear White Friends

Dear White Friends,

When my Mommy has spent an hour putting locks in my hair, please don't rub them vigorously turning their awesomeness into fuzz. It's the equivalent of rubbing the smooth part of a white girl's ponytail in the wrong direction creating a big tangled mess. I love your excitement over my curly locks but please be gentle. 
                                                  Love Mekonen.