5 Months
During your 4th month this is what you have accomplished:
- you weigh 14.8 pounds and had your first double ear infection. poor baby. I didn't even know! I felt so bad. We found out at your 4 month doctor appointment
- the doctor said you are starting to teeth but no teeth yet!
- you have discovered your tongue and love to make noises with it. You chew on your bottom lip and pull it in your mouth. It's so cute.
- you started holding yourself upon your hands and knees (August 19th)
- you fly like super woman when laying on the floor
- you started rocking back and forth on your hands and knees (August 24th). They say this is the developmental piece before crawling. look out!!!
- you are such a happy baby and rarely cry. you smile so big whenever someone talks to you or smiles at you.
- you are really starting to be interested in toys
- you love watching your big brother Mekonen play. He can always get you to smile
- you take two naps a day now and sometimes a little cat nap in the evening, and sleep great through the night
- you are such a content baby. when you wake up, sometimes I don't even know because you are just rolling around your crib playing with your toes and smiling.
- you are very strong and hold yourself up really well. you can sit pretty well assisted and have recently discovered the johnny jumper contraption. you love it!