P.S. Not sure if I like this plaid blog background. But I'm getting really sleepy and tired of playing around with it. So it will have to do for now! :)
Here's a letter I wrote to our son. I cannot wait to see that little face!
Dear Baby,
Right now, in Ethiopia, it is 5:35am. Maybe you are still sleeping. Maybe you have already greeted the new day with a smile. Right now, we’re getting ready to go to sleep. We can’t wait to know your face and know your name. I can’t wait to hear your Ethiopian name. It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it! It's already March! I can't believe it has been over 5 months since we started our journey to you! The time has gone by relatively quickly so far. This could be our special month! This could be the month forever etched on our hearts and minds! My heart aches for you, longs to be with you. I’m trying so hard to be patient, to rest on the truth that God is in control. I want to know you are safe, that you are healthy. Know baby boy, that even from afar, before we know your face, we have recognized and celebrated your precious life. You are loved; first by God, and second by us. Your life will not go unnoticed as we wait to bring you home. Most days, I feel peace. I feel settled in my heart that all is well and you will be home soon. But other times, I long so badly to hold you and smother your little face with kisses that it physically hurts. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you. Not a day goes by that when my alarm goes off at 5:30 am that I don’t envision waking to your beautiful face and spending all day with you. I can’t wait to love you and teach you about Jesus, and love you some more, and just enjoy every moment with you. I know you will probably be scared at first…you don’t know us, haven’t seen us before, haven’t heard my heartbeat, haven’t sensed my presence. My hearts aches, even now, for those moments of fear and uncertainty that will be in your heart, now matter how little you are. But we will be there for you, for whatever comes, and however long it comes. We will not leave you. We have waited so long for you. We cannot wait to meet you face to face. Until then, I go to sleep tonight, dreaming of you, and I will wake tomorrow wishing you were right here with us. Soon baby, very soon.