Today was making baby food day! I have decided to make Mekonen's food as much as possible. It's healthier, I know what's in it, and it's way cheaper than buying baby food in little jars. Since blog posts are way more fun with pictures, here are some pictures of my endeavor today. It was 4 hours of food making and I have quite the stash of plums, apples, nectarines, peas, carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes. I actually had a great time making all this stuff!

This book "Baby Blender Foods" by Nicole Young is awesome. It has all the info you need for making baby food. It's really way easier than I imagined it to be. The book is separated into various ages, meal plans, etc. It's a great book!

My first batch! PLUMS!!!!

Plums and sweet potatoes cooking on the stove!

Next, blend it together (Not the plums and the sweet potatoes. yuck). (FYI: those baby grinding mills are not as good as an old-fashioned blender from what I hear).

After blending the food, I put it into ice cube trays to freeze. Each ice cube is a serving size of 2 tablespoons. Perfect for sizing portions!

Yummy... peas and sweet potatoes. (I am practicing telling Mekonen how good these veggies are because I hate pease and sweet potatoes!)

After freezing, I popped them out of the trays and stored them in Ziploc freezer bags. When it's time to eat, just take out the amount of servings needed, thaw, and serve!
I am psyched about how much I made for the prices of what I bought! From what I've read, at about 6 months old, babies will eat about 4 tablespoons at a meal in addition to 2 tbsp. of iron fortified infant cereal and their formula throughout the day. The ice cube trays I used are 2 tablespoons servings each. (I realize that every baby is different and needs differing amounts of food, and Mekonen may need extra additions of various things to help his nutritional deficit).
Here are some of the items I made and how cheap it was!12 Plums- $3.20 (yielded 21 cubes) enough for 10 meals
4 Large Sweet Potatoes- $3.23 (yielded 44 cubes) enough for 22 meals
1 Bag of Frozen Peas- $1.98 (yielded 38 cubes) enough for 19 meals