
The Crown of Her Husband

"The wife of noble character is her husband's crown"
Proverbs 12:4

We live in a time when royalty is merely a display of tradition, and lacking any significant power. Regality is merely understood through movies and ancient stories. However, a time once was when kings maintained full authority, and either led a nation with wickedness into despair or with righteousness into blessing.

The man who wrote the statement above was King Solomon - the richest, wisest, and most prominent king in the first millennium B.C.E. This world-renowned king had everything imaginable to marvel in, to display his glory with, and to pronounce his unparalleled greatness
against all others. Yet, his greatest display, his most cherished possession, his most important jewel was his "wife of noble character." She was a beauty worth more than all his riches, and a companion to be displayed as a model of character for his entire life. A righteous king, and any honorable husband for that matter, pursues any opportunity he receives to display his lovely and trustworthy wife.

Though I am not wise or rich like King Solomon, the "wife of noble character" is my crown, and I will proudly put her on display for our children to bless (Proverbs 31:28).

1 comment:

Megan Flinn said...

you two. . . you two - what a testimony of two people running towards Him as you hold on to one another - love it, love you guys. Your children will be blessed.