
Trick or Treat!

Who says Halloween is just for kids? I think I had more fun than my confused toddler, dressing him up in a ridiculous outfit as a rooster, and parading him around to friends houses. It was a riot. He was extremely confused and doesn't even really know what candy is. So BONUS! We have a cute little rooster who walks around with his "buttet" collecting treats for his Mom & Dad. ;)

I am not a fan of these kinds of portrait pictures but I had a coupon for a free Halloween collage so I figured, why not?! And he is pretty cute. ;) 
 Mekonen getting treats from Grandma Magz. He LOVES putting things in "buttets" so he was really digging this trick or treating thing.
Very confused about why he is being stuffed into his carseat with a rooster costume on.
 Off to the Johnson's house.
 Daddy and Mekonen, very excited to see his friends the Webers!
 Eagerly anticipating the candy bowl.
 And helping himself into their house of course.
 And choosing his "favorite" candy. (okay, maybe I coaxed him on his choices a bit).
 And now. The best part. A video of our little rooster!!


Emily B. said...

So cute, Meko! Could you get him to say "cock-a-doodle-doo too"?! ;)

Happy Halloween!

Rebekah Zenn said...

oh my goodness he is SO CUTE!!!!!!

jhon said...

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