Happy Thanksgiving! I just looove the holidays! We spent Thanksgiving with Jon's family at his aunt's house. One thing is for sure, no matter which family we are with, mine or Jon's, there is always excitement! Haha. However, I will say this holiday had a much different "feeling" to it. Jon's cousin and his wife were among the crowd with their two adorable boys Thomas and Samuel. It kind of made our hearts sink a little thinking that our son could already be born, and by himself, without a family, this Thanksgiving. We left that night, tired from a fun day with family, but longing for our baby to be home and enjoying the holidays with us. It's strange to think that he could possibly already be born right now, or still in his birth mother's womb. We are already looking forward to next year when our babe will join the family celebrations! I can't imagine how those we've met in our adoption group must feel who already have pictures of their babies and unable to get them before the holidays. We are praying for you! Soon...very soon...
Is the adoption considered "closed" or "open"? Meaning, will you know who the birth mother is and be permitted to have contact with her or will the only info you receive be on the child?
Hi Colleen, I tried clicking on your name to leave a post on your blog, but it wouldn't let me. Our adoption is closed (I'm pretty sure all international adoptions are when going through an agency, but not sure). The only information we will receive is on our child, and if they have any family information they will give that to us as well. Sometimes you get a fair amount of info about your child's history, birth parents, family, and medical and sometimes nothing at all. It all depends on the circumstances that brought our baby to the orphanage to begin with.
I totally hated the "not knowing". I pictured a little baby out there without "assigned parents"; daily, I imagined a young woman 6,000 miles away making one of the hardest decisions of her life; I flipped through our agency's pics on snapfish wondering if one of those sweeties was our baby... And now that we know I've almost become more calm. Wierd, huh? I have a face, a name, a personality to dream about.
Rich on the other hand has become INSANE! He's nesting like crazy... painting a room, scrubbing floors, setting up a crib, wandering aimlessly around BabiesRUs... I can't wait for Baby D to come home just so Rich will calm down! LOL!
Is the adoption considered "closed" or "open"? Meaning, will you know who the birth mother is and be permitted to have contact with her or will the only info you receive be on the child?
Hi Colleen,
I tried clicking on your name to leave a post on your blog, but it wouldn't let me. Our adoption is closed (I'm pretty sure all international adoptions are when going through an agency, but not sure). The only information we will receive is on our child, and if they have any family information they will give that to us as well. Sometimes you get a fair amount of info about your child's history, birth parents, family, and medical and sometimes nothing at all. It all depends on the circumstances that brought our baby to the orphanage to begin with.
I totally hated the "not knowing". I pictured a little baby out there without "assigned parents"; daily, I imagined a young woman 6,000 miles away making one of the hardest decisions of her life; I flipped through our agency's pics on snapfish wondering if one of those sweeties was our baby... And now that we know I've almost become more calm. Wierd, huh? I have a face, a name, a personality to dream about.
Rich on the other hand has become INSANE! He's nesting like crazy... painting a room, scrubbing floors, setting up a crib, wandering aimlessly around BabiesRUs... I can't wait for Baby D to come home just so Rich will calm down! LOL!
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